dr nancy


Anti Wrinkle Treatements

The Science

What is botulinum toxin? Botulinum toxin is a prescription medicine that is injected to relax the muscles beneath, preventing the creation of dynamic lines and wrinkles with age. The active ingredient used in most anti-wrinkle procedures is Botulinum Toxin Type A. This protein is produced by Clostridium botulinum which is then purified for safely used in cosmetic treatment.

How Does it work?  Botulinum toxin temporarily blocks the nerve signals to the muscle. When the nerves’ signals to the muscles are hindered, the treated muscle becomes less able to contract as strongly as it used to, which causes the muscle to relax and helps to soften wrinkles. This leads to a refreshed and more youthful appearance. Anti-wrinkle injections are relatively safer and can help to erase years from your face while also preventing new lines and wrinkles from forming.

forehead lines

The horizontal indentations that appear over our foreheads are called forehead lines, commonly referred to as forehead wrinkles. When we make certain facial gestures, such as elevating our eyebrows, forehead wrinkles become more apparent. The glabella muscles pull and tug on the skin that covers them when we smile, laugh, or show concern, giving the appearance of deep forehead lines.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.

frown lines

As we frown frequently, fine lines and wrinkles called glabellar lines, commonly referred to as frown lines, develop between the eyes, nose, and forehead over time. When we stop frowning, these superficial lines will go away since younger skin is elastic and full of collagen, but as we age, frown lines tend to persist and develop deeper.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.

crow's feet (lines around the eyes)

Crow’s feet are the common name given to wrinkles which appear at the side of the eyes, stretching out towards the temples. The eyes are often the first place to reveal the signs of ageing, as the skin is thinner and more prone to creasing.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.


The MHRA, a UK regulatory body, has authorised Botulinum toxin as a preventive treatment for recurrent migraines. These injections have been demonstrated to be useful in reducing chronic migraine headache, nausea, and vertigo symptoms. By temporarily paralysing important muscles in the forehead, neck, and shoulders, blocking the nerve connections, and reducing the pain and discomfort brought on by migraines, Botox can help avoid severe headaches.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.

Gummy smile

A gummy smile, known in medical terms as excessive gingival display, is when you smile and too much gum tissue shows above the top teeth. Botulinum toxin works by temporarily paralyzing the elevator muscles, so that they will not raise your upper lip dramatically whenever you smile. The results typically last around three to four months.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.

Neck lift

A non-surgical neck lift is a popular and standard procedure that can help to reduce or eliminate the signs of ageing around the lower face and neck. It is minimally invasive, unlike a surgical neck lift requiring an extensive surgical procedure and longer recovery times.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.

Smokers’ lines

Smokers’ lines also known as Lipstick lines refers to the fine lines, deep lines, shallow lines, and lip wrinkles that appear around the mouth are referred to as “smokers’ lines.” Perioral wrinkles, which develop vertically above the upper lip, can be quite challenging to treat, especially with creams, lotions, and other at-home anti-aging remedies. Contrary to what the name implies, upper lip lines are one of the most common skin-ageing complaints, and they are not only a problem for smokers. There are many different factors that contribute to them, but more importantly, there are just as many ways to fix them.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.

Bunny lines (Nasal Squint Lines)

Bunny lines are diagonal and vertical wrinkles that appear on the bridge of the nose and on either side of the nose with repeated contractions (squinting and laughing) of the nasalis muscle. Although bunny lines are not common and are not universally despised, some people do and choose to treat them. Due to the compensatory movement following the anti-wrinkle treatment, bunny lines can also be a sign that the frown region has already been treated. If you are prone to developing these lines, it may be useful to treat both bunny lines and frown lines at the same time. The muscles on the sidewalls of the nose are injected with little quantities of anti-wrinkle medication.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.

Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Excessive sweating due to hyperhidrosis forces men and women to change their clothes every few hours, limits personal style, ruins fabrics, and erodes self-confidence.  Hence, our Clinic provides a non-cosmetic approach from Botox that can be implemented into your treatment plan to help manage the symptoms related to hyperhidrosis.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.

Jaw Slimming / Teeth grinding

Botox treatments have been shown to alleviate bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding. Botox teeth grinding treatment works by relaxing the jaw muscle sufficiently to reduce grinding symptoms while maintaining standard jaw and teeth action.

Procedure time: 20-30min(estimated)

Full recovery: 2 weeks but can vary.

Back to work: Immediate

Anaesthesia- Topical (if needed)

Duration of result: Up to 3-4 months

Course or 1 off treatment: Every 3-4 months

Risk and complications: bruising, swelling, infection, pain, eyebrow, or lid droop (very rare)

Not suitable for an active skin infection, active acne, keloid scarring and unstable skin type.

For further enquiry contact us.